Make a payment anywhere, anytime!
LoanPay Xpress is a feature that allows you to initiate payments to your IBEW & United Workers FCU loan from another financial institution any time from our app or online banking!
If you pay with a Visa Debit, Mastercard Credit/Debit or a Discover Credit/Debit card, there is a $10 convenience fee.
If you pay using your routing and account number from another financial institution, it is 100% free!
Payments submitted before 4pm Pacific time with post to your loan the next business day. Payments submitted after 4pm Pacific time will post in two business days.
You can go to your loan in the app or online banking and select LoanPay Xpress, or you can go to our LoanPay Xpress website.
You will just need to know the member number and suffix of the loan you would like to pay, and the primary borrower’s date of birth.
You will be able to pay as a guest, or create an account to save your information for future loan payments.